The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires Crew Resource Management training and proficiency for FAR 135 and 121 Initial and Recurrent training.
Crew Resource Management training is designed to become an integral part of training and operations. The FAA requires CRM training because it has been a proven method for preventing aviation accidents by improving crew performance through better crew coordination.
Crew Resource Management training refers to the effective use of human resources, hardware resources and information resources. Everyone in the cockpit crew who are involved in decisions required to operate a flight safely are essential participants in an effective CRM process. This includes aircraft dispatchers, flight attendants, air traffic controllers and maintenance personnel.
CRM Training Can Reduce Human Error – the Cause of the Majority of Incidents and Accidents
CRM training is based on an awareness that a high degree of technical proficiency is essential for safe and efficient operations. Demonstrated mastery of CRM concepts cannot overcome a lack of proficiency. Similarly, high technical proficiency cannot guarantee safe operations in the absence of effective crew coordination.
Investigations into the causes of air carrier accidents have shown that human error is a contributing factor in 60 to 80 percent of all air carrier incidents and accidents. Many problems encountered by flightcrews have very little to do with the technical aspects of operating in a multi-person cockpit. Instead, problems are associated with poor group decision making, ineffective communication inadequate leadership, and poor task or resource management.
Pilot training programs historically focused almost exclusively on the technical aspects of flying and on an individual pilot’s performance; they did not effectively address crew management issues that are also fundamental to safe flight.
CRM training is one way of addressing the challenge of optimizing the human/machine interface and accompanying interpersonal activities. These activities include team building and maintenance, information transfer, problem-solving, decision making, maintaining situation awareness and dealing with automated systems.

Crew Resource Management Training Requires Reinforcement
CRM training is comprised of three components: initial indoctrination/awareness, recurrent practice and feedback, and continual reinforcement.
Short-term training does not effectively create lasting behavior changes. Experience has shown that lasting changes in any environment require awareness, practice and feedback, and continuing reinforcement. To be effective, CRM concepts must be permanently integrated into all aspects of training and operations.
Research has shown that the following elements are essential to an effective CRM training program:
- Centering the program on clear, concise SOPs
- Including all crewmembers functioning in the same roles (e.g., captain, first officer, and/or flight engineer, flight attendants) that they normally perform in flight
- Focusing on the functioning of crewmembers as teams, not as a collection of technically competent individuals
- Instructing crewmembers how to behave in ways that foster crew effectiveness
- Providing opportunities for crewmembers to practice the skills necessary to be effective team leaders and team members
- Including effective team behaviors during normal, routine operations
FAR Part 135 Crew Resource Management Training (CRM) with TrainingBoom
TrainingBoom delivers FAA-approved, customized FAR Part 135 Crew Resource Management Initial and Recurrent training. We also provide CRM training for Part 121 operators.
Our CRM curriculum content efficiently and effectively addresses the training requirements in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 135.330, Crew Resource Management Training, and Advisory Circular (AC) 120 51E, Crew Resource Management Training. It focuses on the reinforcement of CRM skills, markers, communications, coordination, workload management and situational awareness.
For recurrent training, the topics rotate year to year so your flight crews see different CRM modules each year. A modified version of the CRM curriculum is available for flight or cabin attendants.
Our online training software is always available and easily accessible by pilots across the different devices that they use, while providing an intuitive interface and an effective combination of visuals, text, audio and video. We’ve invested heavily in creating our high-quality learning management system that is designed to maximize the learning experience.
To learn more, contact us for a demo or hear what our customers have to say.